Peru - Paracas - Islas Ballestas

Paracas is on the way to Nazca from Lima, founded by Pizarro himself.

There's no much interesting thing to see, except if you hire a boat and go see the islands called "Ballestas".

There are two magnificent things you should see over there. First, there's a giant candelabra graved on sand. This candelabra is told to be on this island before people from Nazca started to grave all sorts of animals and things on pacific coast desert sand.

Then, the guide is just explaining you nobody's living on this island. It's a protected area like all other islands of the Ballestas for wildlife: sea birds, sea lions, pelicans, etc.

Afterwards, several small islands appear to you: this is the place of the wildlife protection area.


penguins and sea birds

group of penguins walking

I was supposed to show some pictures of sea lions, but I got sea-sick on the boat due to observing wildlife through my 70-300mm lens ! I have some pictures but they're not good enough to post them here.

Sorry for that !


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