Peru - Arequipa - plaza de armas

As most of visitors in Peru may have noticed, many cities have in their inner centre a "plaza de armas".
This place is inherited from Spain's habits and culture.

Wikipedia says about it:
Most cities constructed by the Spanish Conquistadores were designed on a standard military fashion based on a grid pattern, taken from the Roman Castrum, of which one of the blocks would be left vacant to form the Plaza de Armas. It is often surrounded by governmental buildings, churches, and other structures of cultural or political significance. The name derives from the fact that this are would be a refuge in case of an attack upon the city, from which arms would be supplied to the defenders.

So far, all cities from the Hispanic world look almost the same. But, in Arequipa like in Cuzco, the plaza de armas make feel you different.
I really enjoyed the atmosphere on this place, to see all these people with their family, seating, waiting for something i couldn't tell, all these pigeons everywhere and photographers awaiting for customers..
Moreover, as you can see on pictures below, the Misti mountain is still present, which gives another postcard to this plaza de armas. I didn't travel all over the hispanic world in south america, but I have the feeling this plaza de armas is quite unique with a mountain as background.

I didn't bring any wide-angle lens when I was travelling in Peru, so it was quite uneasy to get the whole picture, the buildings around the square and the church just behind it. That's why I decided to shot from an angle where I could show this postcard with an unusual view.
I really appreciated the tiny yellow taxis all around the plaza. They look just so small compared to the wide space of this plaza ! they're kind of cute, don't you think ?


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