Haleakala Silverswords - serie 2

Silversword or Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Argyroxiphium, or Silversword, is a small genus of five species in the Sunflower family (Asteraceae). These perennials are endemic to Hawaii, occurring only on the islands of Maui and Hawaii in an extremely localized distribution.
They consist of rosette-forming epigeal
shrubs or dwarf shrubs, with few branches or even unbranched, growing to a height of about 2 m.
The lanceolate
leaves have a helical disposition and are united for 1 cm or less.
The flowerheads consist of ray
flowers, with maximum 45 bracts beneath ( = phyllaries). The ray florets are pistillate. The chaff, growing on the receptacle, forms a ring around the 30 to 600 disk florets.
corolla varies in color from purplish to wine red or yellow, while the anthers are dark.

All photographies taken with Pentax P30T

Silversword in blooming

Silverswords in the Haleakala crater



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