First week analysis of your visits

Last week, from the advice of a friend, I registered my blog to Xiti, there's the logo at the bottom to have it as free... and here are below the synthesis for the whole week:

291 pages were saw for 105 visits, but 92 were unique visits.

26.5% of the visits seen were due to my activity (publishing posts & testing new configuration);

My 3 favorites posts are:
1. haleakala silverswords
2. poppy fields forever
3. nostalgia

After being on the blog, 62% of visitors leave the blog without visiting it

countries of visitors:
1. France: 79%
2. USA: 8.6%
3. Germany: 3.8%
4. UK: 2.9%
5. Chile, Singapore: 1.9%
6. Australia, Canada, China : 1%


1. IE: 81%
2. Mozilla/Firefox: 9.5%
3. Netscape: 8.6%
4. Safari: 4.8%

1. Windows: 94.8%
2. Mac OS: 5.2%


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