Lima ... Ciudad de los Reyes

Lima: capital city of Peru

Lima was founded by Francisco Pizarro himself in 1535 under the name of "ciudad de los reyes" ... in reference to the Wise Men.
Lima is a coastal city whereas Cuzco, the ancient capital of Inca empire was located in the inland.

Each city built by the Spaniards have a "plaza de armas" where most of the magnificient buildings such as cathedral, council, etc... are located around this place.
The current building was built in 1746 as the former one was destroyed by an earthquake.

Indeed, the cathedral is just in front of the "plaza de armas", and here below you can a slightly view of the external walls.

On the left side of the cathedral, these nice sculpted wooden balconies belong to the archbishop's palace.

And then, this is the nave:


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