Meta tag: Getty Images

I just had a very nice surprise today as someone from Getty Images came to my page !

And you know why ?

Because I inserted into my META tag (in HTML), "Getty Images"

And why so ?

Because I used to work at the Paris offices few years ago as business analyst.

When I was waiting for the appointment with the HR Director (of Pix, a well-known image bank brand, now disappeared), I saw the photos catalogues on the table in front of me, and then I knew for which kind of company I was applying (because on the ad, it was only written it was for a communication company). Someone, while living in the USA, gave me some of the FPG photos catalogues.

During this time, Pix in France, FPG in the USA, TCL in England, Bavaria in Germany, etc... were all owned by a British holding VCG (which stands for Visual Communication Group if I remember well); they decided to sell some of their brands to a competitor, Getty Images, already owning other well-known brands such as The Image Bank, Stone, Photodisc.

Since working for Pix, and then for Getty Images, I realized how bad were my photos.

However, it gave me new ideas, a new motivation for improving my photos, and I hope you can see all improvements I've made since few years, because all my USA pictures were taken between 1997 and 1999.

But, there's no chance I could become professional and earn some money shooting people, places, etc... I will remain as an amateur, but I'm happy with it !

I hope this guy from Getty Images will come back soon...



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